Thank you for your interest in our Royalty Member Program,
Don't have the ability to mass produce your product? Or an E-commerce marketing platform to give your the maximum exposure to the national market? Not a problem! We have the latest CNC equipment and software to build products efficiently and affordably, as well as the ability to put your products directly into view of thousands of customers within the turkeyshoot community. This program seeks to give you and your product unmatched access to our state of the art manufacturing and marketing capabilities.
Our Royalty Member Program (RMP) gives you multiple options as to how we sell your product, as well as the ability to set your profit per item sold. This program operates on a per unit price point, material cost + manufactured cost + CE15% system. Each item is priced out based on actual time it takes to produce it from start to finish. Baseline cost per Item is billed at $5.50 per minute. On average each product takes 4-9 minutes total production time. Generally an 812 OD item take 4-7 minutes which would put a 6 minute part at $33 + $3 material cost = $36 x .15 ($5.40 CE15%) $41.40 per unit total cost.
You now have a baseline cost per product, at this point you can opt to
With this option you are the sole source of distribution. You set the price, we are solely a contract manufacturer we will not sell your product to anyone else but you. You products will be sold via wholesale orders of 6 unit lots. Each lot will consist of 6 parts per part variable identification (example 6 x 812 TG675-12) if you wish to order more than 1 lot of parts you can do so 6 is the minimum order.
Variable identification options
Fit - 812 / 875 / INV+ / REM / WIN / INV / MOS / OTHER
Size - Choke Finish Size (examples 675 / 672 / 670 / 668 / 650 / 644)
Line Configuration - (example 12 / 18 / 24 )
Each of these variable options lead to one complete lot.
Once a starting lot of parts is produced future orders can be made in quantities of 2 or more as each manufacturing program is already written for that existing lot.
With this option you are not responsible for distribution and sale of your product, as we become the source of retail market sales. With this system we operate off of the same per unit total cost as the baseline for manufacturing. Taking $41.40 as an example, we add your desired ROYALTY payment for your design (example $20 per unit sold). That puts the retail base price per unit at a market price of $61.40. Very reasonable in price as well as very competitive within the marketplace. With this option there are a few things to take note of. 1. Since we are the product sales force for your new product we reserve the right to produce a fixed agreed amount of products to enter the market with meaning there will be discounts as well as free products given away to generate interest in the product line. Occasionally discounts will be used at our discretion or at your request to generate sales. We may use regional sales representatives to sell product at our discretion, with regional sales each product royalty is paid at 75% OF AGREED VALUE. The additional 25% of that royalty is paid to the Regional sales rep. Regional sales/ direct sales in person will be + $5 -10 per product, meaning that $61 choke would be sold in person for a minimum of $66 or a maximum of $71 The sale representative would collect the additional $5 - 10 as well as 25% of the agreed royalty for their sales efforts. They make $10-15 per line item sold on average.
Question -
Why would we do this?
Products in person have a far greater reach and sales potential than products only view-able online. Products sold through regional sales are typically sold to individuals whom are not familiar with Choke Express or your product, so this is not a competing sale. It is a +1 sale to someone we don't have direct access to or contact without this additional sales channel. Bottom line more product moved equals more $ returned on your investment.
Question -
Why is this cost not shared with Choke express?
Answer -
Choke Express is supplying the regional sales teams with thousands of dollars of in stock merchandise, in efforts to sell not only your product but products of others as well, we are taking on the risk to move your product efficiently as well as affordably. You also have the option to become a regional sales rep yourself. The key to success is putting the products that apply to a given market in front of those whom participate in that given market.
***Each product that holds a ROYALTY MEMBER status must pass a performance review. We are not in the business of selling junk for a quick buck. If a product does not meet a baseline performance review in the designated product categories then it will not qualify for the program. Once again we are not in the business to sell junk to our customers.
With this option you have all our tools at your disposal. You have access to our entire Royalty product lines as well as your own product line at discounted prices. You stand to make the most money from this option as you play a role in making your own sales grow. Each CO/OP member will stock items that are relevant to their region and events they attend. CO/OP members will have exclusive access to demo products as well as helping us determine if new product submissions are of baseline quality. CO/OP members will also receive Promo codes to give to their regional customers so they receive credit of sale for a product that they currently do not have on hand. That product would be drop shipped to the buyer.
The ROYALTY PROGRAM is the best way to profit from your products without having to take on thousands of dollars in start up investment costs. The Choke Express sales platform is the most advanced system to date for moving product within this market, its fast, easily accessible ,affordable easy to understand and efficient for customers to shop as well as learn about products. Its reliable source for information and peer to peer feedback on products used withing the shooting community.
Royalty Product Submission cost $100 per product, $25 per variable option.
Options that you do not pick up will still pay a minimum 50% of base royalty if product is ordered by the consumer, For more information please send us an email at
We will send you a product waiver as well as a design submission sheet and a royalty agreement to fill out. Fill out and return your packet your in the mail along with the required payment and we will process your product submission within 30 days. Once your product is approved we will send a copy of your product protections declaration and a payee signup so you can setup an account to receive your Royalty payments.